by deta | Sep 30, 2016 | Library
The first screen of the Express- test DePuls+ shows the control registration elements and a display of the electrocardiogram, the changes in the current state of health and the vital signs of the organism. The DePuls+ Express-test, determines the state of the health...
by deta | Sep 30, 2016 | Library
DeLixir Detox – is a powerful elixir softly purifying the body from toxins. It has a natural sorbent — Diatomaceous earth. Besides, the elixir includes ginger, noni juice, aloe vera and MSM — microelement useful for cells regeneration. Bad environment, abuse of...
by deta | Sep 18, 2016 | Library
In the near future DEHolding is going to release one more tool for an effective business development — an express-test for determination of physical and emotional level of health. The device DePuls+ helps to estimate the body state using main indicators. Its interface...
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