Pediatric Clinic No.2

Pediatric Clinic No 2, Oyfa City (Russia) using the Deta-Ritm and Deta-AP in the treatment of children and adolescents with osteroporosis and osteopenia, as well as digestive problems


This survey was conducted under the supervision of the Professor of the Department of Pediatrics of the State Medical University of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Southeast Ntroyzinin.

63 children were monitored, aged 12 to 15 years (43 girls and 20 boys). All these children underwent extensive testing and clinically diagnosed.

The children were divided into two groups:

1. Treated for calcium metabolism disorders using the drug Calcemin
2. Treated for calcium metabolism disorders using only the Deta-Ritm and Deta-AP devices; for ten consecutive days.

Effectiveness of Treatments (%)
Health Problems Deta-Ritm & AP Devices only Drug Calcemin
Pain, appetite, indigestion 93,2% 82.6%
Inflammation, action speed 87.7% 72,1%
Statistical Testing (T-Test) 91.6% 78.3%

The results showed that the group of children treated only with the Deta-AP and Ritm devices had a statistically significant difference – more effective – than the group that was treated only with the prescription drug Calcemin.

This was for the two major health issues of digestive problems and inflammation with pain.