The homeland of ginger is Southeast Asia and Western India. However, after the discovery of useful properties of this plant, ginger immigrated to other continents, as well. Ginger was used by the healers of ancient China, American Indians, medieval healers as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging agent. And now ginger tea is one of the best remedies against winter colds.

And here are some unusual properties of ginger:

• Helps to lose weight due to its detoxifying properties;

• Well established as an aphrodisiac;

• Strengthens hair and stimulates their growth;

• Saves from heartburn and upset stomach, stimulates digestion;

• Helps with allergies and skin rashes.

Ginger extract is one of the main ingredients of DeLixir Detox. It helps to provide detoxification and recovery of the body more efficiently.

For best results use comprehensive approach from DEHolding — combine the application of DeLixir with DeVita devices. Find out more here.